OpenCart Accelerators Comparison

Lightning Nitro IPS Page Cache
Price $78 $110 $89 $80
Demo scores 100/100 87/95 Broken
The demo is completely broken
DB Cache + Partial
Only certain queries, doesn't cache queries from 3rd-party extensions
Page Cache + + +
Pages Cache pregeneration + Sitemap only
Pages Cache update on product update + Partial
Only when products card is modified in admin area
304 / Not Modified Tracking + +
JS/CSS optimization + + +
JS load defer + Wrong
Creates new JS file for every single page, making real pages load even slower
More likely will cause JS errors
Images optimization + +

Lightning-only Features

Free trial (7 days) +
Performance warnings and notifications +
Live HTTP requests display +
Engine optimization +
Optimized for large number of products & categories +
Works with JOURNAL Theme Popups / Notifications +
Page Cache for logged user / items in basket +
Live modules (i. e. Recently Viewed) AJAX load +
AJAX Requests Caching +
Critical CSS generation & preload +